
read it or leave it. thats it and i am not a terrorist. tQ :)

February 21, 2011

bahasa comel

Ariw niew aquw rasew sgtw bengangw. Pasalw classw pagiw cancelw. Ishhhw bengangnyew!
Banguwn pagiw, gosowk gigiw siap2w terows berlariw2 giw classw andw lifw rosakw.
Pastuw classw bleyyw cancelw pularkw. Deymmw!
Takpew2, sebaekw classw dalamw computerw labw. Bleyhw updatew. Nakw onlinew fesbukw janganw harapw lahw dapatw dalamw nihw kanw. huhuw.
Arhw, apew akuw merepekw niew? Macamw kelingw pulew ayatw akuw.
walopon menaep, aku still rase annoy nak taep bahasa comel nih. ahaha.
sume anwar hadi punye pasal! grr!
ok bye, nak brunch! :)
see ya!


1 comment:

Sarah and Faiz said...

hawhawhawhaw. buwdark skowla suwkew lew tawip camtuw. *okay camcipan.