
read it or leave it. thats it and i am not a terrorist. tQ :)

April 30, 2011


Can you answer this?
For me,

Eventhough, i'm not happy. I will not let others notice that. I'll keep on smiling. Even in PMS! :P

April 29, 2011

asam pedas power abg piee


So, harini nak update pasal makan. Ari tu tengok jalan jalan cari makan. Dorang dtg makan kat melaka. Tgk macam menarikk je asam pedas org tu makan. Ape lagi, daya kan jugak lah mencari mane kedai makan yg katenye sedap tu. Aku siap google map lg nokkss. gigih tau! Hanya utk mencarik sesuap nasik. huhu.

Selepas mengharungi jalan malam yg hujan renyai2, kiri kanan bersepah kubur akhirnye jumpe jugak kedai tu. Paling horror bile terpakse parking sebelah kubur. Tp pedulikkan, ikan pari dah panggil.

Kitorg pon pilihlah sotong, ikan siakap, ikan pari ngan kupang. Feeling mcm mak2 pulak main pilih ikan nih. hoho. Pilih sotong ikot nafsu, seronok. Ouh, siap ade kailan ikan masin lagi.

Ini lah asam pedas die. Power mmg power. Sebab die pedas. Tp rase, OKAY lah... aku siap hirup lagi. :P

Sotong pulak buat celup tepung. Rase pon OKAY lah. Sbb sos die mcm tak best.

Kupang sambal berapi. Yang ini best. Tapi mslhnye skrg aku allergy, marilah menggaru bersamaku. huhu!


Nak tau kat mane?
(ewahh.. macam hos JJCM pulok. ahaha!)

terletak kat jalan puteri hang li poh.
Kedai ni bukak dr 7pm sampai 4am.

Harga die?
kitorg makan 7 org, kene RM67. Ok lah kan?
Sorg kene RM10 jela pon.

So, selamat mencuba!

bye :)

p/s : gambar rembat dari google. lupe nak bwk kamera. :)

April 27, 2011

After a hectic day,

I've done geography paper this morning and it was sucks!

i just want to do this!

But, no money no talking rite?


I just doing this right now

Before facing with all this again

Got paper on 4, 5, 8 and 10 May.

Do wish me luck and sorry for the word-less. again! :)

Lots of love,

April 19, 2011

You are a university student when,

1. You have abnormal sleeping behaviour that resembles more like Edward Cullen's rather than the rest of humanity. You never fail to sleep after 12 am and 10 pm sleeping time is a thing of the distant past. And if you're one of the few ones who is trying to sleep at 10, you'll have trouble sleeping anyway because your hostel mates are just getting started with some sort of random parties.

2. Eating behavior. Your dinner is now your breakfast, your supper is your lunch and your breakfast is your dinner because you sleep at 7 am everyday and wake up at 5 pm. Sometimes, you'll even miss seeing the sun.

3. You have two permanent eyebags thanks to the countless hours of sleep you miss trying to finish the endless assignments on time. And you realize that the two eyebags will stay with you for the rest of your time in university until you graduate.

4. You rejoice because you do not have those wear those uniforms that make your skin go itchy anymore to class.

5. 90% of your school time is spent reading books. FaceBOOK, that is.

6. Coffee and Red Bull are your new best friends. And the matchstick too when coffee and Red Bull do not work.

7. Wikipedia is your No. 1 source of information, despite how much effort your lecturer put in to discredit it. And you Google everything that you do not understand rather than going to the library to find information about it

8. Rather than studying and finishing your readings, you're busy blogging about how busy university life can be. And if you're not blogging, you're reading someone's else blog about it.

I should really go get some sleep. Or do something productive.

Enjoy your university life !! :D

sources : google lah mane lagi ??

April 13, 2011

April 6, 2011

saya suka tengok bola, anda?

Sabtu aritu, g tgk bola. Selangor lawan Pahang and of course Red Giant menang 2-1. So far aku pegi tgk selangor maen, sume selangor menang. Bangga woo! :D

Tapi, paling takleh blah bile penonton2 kite ni so not supportive!

situasi 1

Ekelehh... dah depan gol pon tak bleh nk gol ke?

situasi 2

Die ni reti maen bola ke tak reti ni? woii balik lahhh!! (sambil mengopek kuaci char che)

situasi 3

Wadefak man! i pay the ticket to see some goal, not some shit you play down there!

Typical Malaysian. Kalau camni perangai, sampai sudah lah Malaysia tak masuk World Cup. hoho!


Tapi aku bile tgk bola, aku suke dduk depan2. Mane lah tau amirul hadi nmpk aku tetibe die buat flying kiss ke kan kan kan? ahaha! Tak abes2 nak perasan. :PP

Nampak tak yg blonde tu? Tu lah amirul hadi. Minum aer pon still sexayyyy! Auww! :P

Yg babai tu Safiq Rahim, capten Malaysia. Die datang kat tmpt kitorg baling2 botol air oren tu.

Ohh, ini pula pemain simpanan :D