
read it or leave it. thats it and i am not a terrorist. tQ :)

May 19, 2010

a wonderfull friendship

...life is wonderful. The most wonderful part is when there are a people that called, friends in our life. I am lucky to have all of you as my friends. Yes, all of you! Eventhough we are not seeing each other for a very long time, but yet we are still connected with each other. I do hope that you guys be friend with me sincerely because so do I. I enjoyed my lifetime with you guys, every moment that we spent together is meaningfullllll to me and cannot be erased in my heart disc. Soon, we will growing up, to get married, busy with carrier and those kinds of things. Hope that our friendship will never be end. Forever!

"Friendship is like a river, never end !"

here are a short listed of my friends. lol ;

fr tadika till now : nelly ( i love u lah babe! )

fr skola rendah till now : malin, ebal, iwan wong, faiz jenalz, akmal akob, padey, fattah, syamir eric, afiq harzan ( hope korg bace )

fr skola menengah till now : nana, achong, ayat, peaha
fr skola teknik till now : layla, bell, hajar, aten, pejort, bengbeng, oyon, achap, roy, hadi. ( uolz rox!)
univ friends : airin, ah, dayah, kak dayah, dak mida, ana, ika, aida, 4wonderboys, patrick iskandar, bong, spinney (^_^)

u guys are the greatest things happen to me (emosi pulak)
thank you to each one of u coz want to be friend with me. good or bad, i still love u guys!
i think, thats ol 4 today. enjoy! be good n tc! Roger & Out! ;)

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