
read it or leave it. thats it and i am not a terrorist. tQ :)

May 30, 2010

bersukan berpeluh bersakit

...iklan ckp, bersenam sekurang2nye 3 kali seminggu, 30 minit setiap sesi. org kate pulak, bersukan menyihatkan badan. Tapi kan kan aku kate, knp lepas bersukan badan sakit? sihat ape nye tu??? huhuh. Maybe, in long-term kot. (berfikir) O_o

...Nak dijadikan cerita, Khamis mlm aritu (27may) umah pakcik ade mkn2. Lpas majlis, kami sepupu sepapat ni pon dgn buang tebiatnye maen bdminton secare beregu, 3some pon ade. Dengan berbaju kurung ayu sopan santun, kami pon bermaen badminton pkol 1a.m sehingga pinggan mangkuk kat dapur terabai. huhu. Lin Dan punye hal lah nih! wat hal! huhu.

...Dah balik tu, kami adek bradek bertekad nk beli badminton nk maen, isi mase lapang kate kakngah. huhu. Tanggal 29May, kami ke kedai 2ringgit carik reket (idk how to spell) ;p kami pon belilah reket berharga rm8.95 dan shuttlecock die rm3.50. Tipu kan! Kate kedai 2ringgit! :] lantak lah. Sejurus pulang ke rumah kami pon bermain dgn gaye tersendiri. Pkol 3pagi pon aku ngan adek aku bleh lyn maen b4 g supper. Mmg aku terer! Adik aku kutip bola jela! ahaha ;D

camni lah aku smash adek aku. :p

...kesimpulannye di sini, tgn aku cam da saket! pinggang terkehel, tengkuk senget. Adoii~ camne nk sihat nih, baru maen 2-3hari da saket2. :(( tapi xpe,aku masih berazam utk maen wakil Malaysia! nk jumpe Lin Dan!! :D sekali lagi aku merepek!!!

thats all 4 today. Roger & out!



May 27, 2010

I am The Nanny

...day by day, its been a month aku melepet kat umah without doing anything yg bleh kasi income kat aku. :( everyday jage anak buah aku saarah raisha. adoiii~ infact,"this semester break i dedicate to you lah saara". ;p

nmpk x betape gediknye beliau??

...here are my routine as the nanny for this gedix girl named saara.

wake up at 6.30am by force (sgt early). Go for breakfast, roti canai banjir with teh O panas. Pegi umah kaklong tggu saara bgn, make her nenen, kasi bubur, mkn mkn, && then take care of her smpai umi die balik lah. (office hour)

...Thnk God saara nih baek, kuat mkn n xbyk hal. huhu. Tapi allergy tgk mama (my mom), asek nk ikot jek smpai dlm jamban pon die folo. And nasib baek jugak abg die (nazren) skola kalo x, dorang bergabung,meletopp! (lagu stacy & adam) ;p Also tQ to my partner, mama. ^_^

...It's been a while i am not hang out with my girls and boys.(that is the main point here) :(( hope to hear from them soon. korang xpyh nk busy sgt lah ye. kesian aku sorang2! ahaha.

"bagai katak bawah tempurung"



May 25, 2010

2 things that disturbing me the most

...Last Sunday, aku g JJ bkt tggi for so called shopping ($$$$ xde!). huhu. Pegi pon pasal kakngah nk beli kasut. Nsib baek adik aku ikot kalo x meroyan aku sorg teman kakngah shopping pasal memilih punyelah lame. Nk dijadikan cerita, smbil tggu kakngah aku try ar kasut ape2 yg ade kat Vincci. Menyayat hati pasal kasut byk yg xmuat! Tulis size10 tp sumenye dusta belaka. Pentipu jek!! Yg muat pon, sume nye heel bapak tggi mcm hape je.Kalo flat pon mcm nk rabak je pulak. Aku berazam utk tidak lg melihat kasut dan beralih kpd T-shirt di kedai sebelah. As a result, (masih dlm mood MUET) ade sale oke. 9hengget jek! Ape lg, sume aku sapu and at last aku beli DUA je! Kerana kesempitan wang. Dan aku sekali lagi berazam utk kumpul dwet pada masa akan datang. Semoga PTPTNku masuk segera walopon aku tahu itu mustahil! (sambil mengeluh~)

**susahnye kaki bersaiz ank gajah nih. huhu
***paling susah bile xde duet! like no money no talking shit! ;p

thts ol. Roger && Out!


May 23, 2010

And I wish

...cute bukan? sangat! I wish i could hold em' in my bare hand but my wish would never come true! Never! ( I Am a Muslim and I'm proud to be a Muslim ) :D
Allahuakhbar! Thank you Allah coz create such a cute creatures and give me a chance to see them!
...few years ago, aku penah bela anjing. Tp, just bg mkn je n xmungkin lah kan nk bwk masuk umah. So, anjing tersebut stay kat luar pagar aku je dan melindungi umah kami. 1st, name die Johnny. Da besar dah, dr kurus kering jd tuff! Lastly, die kene tangkap dgn Majlis Perbandaran Klang pasal slalu kejar anak org smpai eksiden. (sape suruh lalu dpn umah aku kan) 2nd is Jenny, awek johnny. Die ni M.I.A smpai skrg. Next is jenab, tp skjp je pastu die chow. Lastly, Jessica. Kami terpakse hantar die kat tmpt yg sepatutnye pasal die da beranak. Dpn umah aku oke die bersalin dan tanpa bidan!! 26puppies in the house yaw! Sumpah cute!! Time tu lah 1st time pegang puppy.(seronok mandi tanah pastu beb!) ;p Nak buat camne, ank die jatuh dlm longkang time hujan. Sedey woo, anak die 8 ekor kot mati lemas. huhuh. Abah kasi jage seminggu je. Then, byebye jessica n puppies. Paling sedey bile kitorg anta die kat tmpt tu, die kejar nk ikot balik, tp xjd pasal die pegi kat anak die. (Anjing pon pandai syg anak, Manusia? Reti??)
...okey now, aku dah leley! :'( demmit! roger & out!
ths ol 4 now.
p/s : please stop animal cruelty! They got feeling to!!!

AF punye pasal

...akedemi fantasia adalah satu fenomena dlm M'sia yg xbleh nk dibanggakan and xtau knp ramai menggile dibuatnye. Adoii~ People wasting money, by lot! ! Dari AF1 sampai skrg AF8. Xtau lah, maybe sampai AF18 kot dorg nk buat. Nmpk x betape membzirnye org M'sia ni? SMS pon bleh secare pukal! Canggih tu. Memang buat duit $$$ btol! Tp, tu up to them lah yg nak undi. Fanatik katenye. Yang menyedihkan, jgn lah amek "pelajar" yg good2 je. Rupe tiptop, suare aramm.. ( suare aku lg lemak berkrim ) Err, Tapi shahir ok, ade pakej. Kalo die mengaji lg best kot. Huhuh.

...Nxt thing is, knp ade setengah org tu die kutuk gile2 AF nih. Tp padahal tgk jugak kan. ( hipotesis btol! ) Bgthu satu kampung AF tah pape lah, xbest lah, boring lah, kampung lah. Yg patheticnye pengutuk AF ni, tgk jugak sebenarnye. Secretly! Kalo xsuke lyn kan aje lah xpyh nk pukur canang bgthu sume org. Annoying tahu?!! Mcm korg tu best sgt, mcm tu? Da mmg M'sia ni program tu je ade. Sambil tgk sambil kutuk la, kan best camtu. (mcm aku) Byr bil astro, mmg utk xpyh tgk. ;p

...In conclusion,(mcm MUET pulak) Shahir is one of the best and he deserved to win tonight! :)

Now, aku xtau aku side mane. Tapi aku tgk je AF ni pasal dah mama bukak, xkn nak lelap mate je? Jadi, aku tgklah AF tp aku bukan Pengundi pelajar AF. Bukan juga penonton tegar AF! No No No! In fact, suare shahir mmg best pon kan, kacak pule. Terkesima aku tgk beliau. What to do? Layan jela and die da jadi Juara pon! :D

katakata pujangga ; kan bagus buat mcm biggest loser tu kat M'sia dr buat program membzir dwet camni. Karoke je pon da dpt dwet,kete sebijik. Kalo buat mcm biggest loser tu, da bleh sihat seumur idop! kan kan kan? sigh~~

thts ol 4 today. roger & Out!

live your life healthy!

May 21, 2010

ateh the brutal cat

...one day, mase my mom balik amek nazren (anak buah-buahanku), die bwk seorg kucing ni kaler die putih gebu cute mute. Jumpe kat lorong tgh dduk sorang2. Named,ateh or aku panggil die YETI (sejenis monster berbulu putih, sile Google) ;p
Then we decide to take care of him. So far sampai skrg oke je die, berak dlm jamban sume. Tapi yg menyampahnye beliau nih, xreti nak maen gurau2! Budak nih die punye gurau maen gigit kasi darah punye wooo..satu hari, satu line die kasi calar. Mcm Miami Ink punye tatu dah tangan nih. huhu. The cute thing is when die nk menetek. Well, anak yatim piatu kan. So, die akan cari rambut org dan tido guling2 atas rambut terbabit sambil mkn rambut sampai meleley air liyor. Nak mrh kang, dosa. Layankan aje. Makanye, rambut aku selalu disanggul ketika kehadiran beliau. :D

p/s : don't judge book by its color. don't think clear water no buaye. jgn sangka kucing tu cute die lemah lembut. (rumbling!)
thts ol.

May 19, 2010

a wonderfull friendship

...life is wonderful. The most wonderful part is when there are a people that called, friends in our life. I am lucky to have all of you as my friends. Yes, all of you! Eventhough we are not seeing each other for a very long time, but yet we are still connected with each other. I do hope that you guys be friend with me sincerely because so do I. I enjoyed my lifetime with you guys, every moment that we spent together is meaningfullllll to me and cannot be erased in my heart disc. Soon, we will growing up, to get married, busy with carrier and those kinds of things. Hope that our friendship will never be end. Forever!

"Friendship is like a river, never end !"

here are a short listed of my friends. lol ;

fr tadika till now : nelly ( i love u lah babe! )

fr skola rendah till now : malin, ebal, iwan wong, faiz jenalz, akmal akob, padey, fattah, syamir eric, afiq harzan ( hope korg bace )

fr skola menengah till now : nana, achong, ayat, peaha
fr skola teknik till now : layla, bell, hajar, aten, pejort, bengbeng, oyon, achap, roy, hadi. ( uolz rox!)
univ friends : airin, ah, dayah, kak dayah, dak mida, ana, ika, aida, 4wonderboys, patrick iskandar, bong, spinney (^_^)

u guys are the greatest things happen to me (emosi pulak)
thank you to each one of u coz want to be friend with me. good or bad, i still love u guys!
i think, thats ol 4 today. enjoy! be good n tc! Roger & Out! ;)

May 18, 2010

i was wondering

...if there any man out there is as good as Adam in ADAMAYA?? o_0
he is handsome, $$$$ maker, caring, very good father for his Amani, and of course very good husband for his idiot Maya ! complete set as a MAN!
Man, nowadays cannot be trusted at all !(some can be trusted lah kot). Lucky us if there is a man like Adam today.
Unfortunately, it is possible to have Adam in our real world.
GOD knows better!
For me, once it happens, it will never be happen twice! It's so hurt to be hurt by someone that we think, 'yes! he is the one for me!' . So, learn from it and get over it!
That's all for the first day, bye bye. Roger & Out! ;)
p.s ; support our local drama! :p

hey hey

... starting today, i am officially a blogger! ahaha. :)) nothing much to say actually and basically this blog is for me to express my expression and thought, story of my life, some pictures, and merapu merepek thingy by me ! am new here, any comments and critics are so much appreciated. tQ.
