camni lah aku smash adek aku. :p
thats all 4 today. Roger & out!
camni lah aku smash adek aku. :p
thats all 4 today. Roger & out!
nmpk x betape gediknye beliau?? are my routine as the nanny for this gedix girl named saara.
wake up at 6.30am by force (sgt early). Go for breakfast, roti canai banjir with teh O panas. Pegi umah kaklong tggu saara bgn, make her nenen, kasi bubur, mkn mkn, && then take care of her smpai umi die balik lah. (office hour)
...Thnk God saara nih baek, kuat mkn n xbyk hal. huhu. Tapi allergy tgk mama (my mom), asek nk ikot jek smpai dlm jamban pon die folo. And nasib baek jugak abg die (nazren) skola kalo x, dorang bergabung,meletopp! (lagu stacy & adam) ;p Also tQ to my partner, mama. ^_^
...It's been a while i am not hang out with my girls and boys.(that is the main point here) :(( hope to hear from them soon. korang xpyh nk busy sgt lah ye. kesian aku sorang2! ahaha.
"bagai katak bawah tempurung"